
Sunday, December 18, 2011

One Way of Giving Love on Christmas Season

          I started my day with a bright ray of the sun passing through my window. It's just 8 days before Christmas. I checked my planner and December 18, 2011 was filled with a schedule. The schedule was so important and it reads.. "Make the less fortunate happy in Missionaries of the Poor".

          Before anything else, what is Missionaries of the Poor? The Missionaries of the Poor (M.O.P.) is an international monastic order of Brothers dedicated to "Joyful Service with Christ on the Cross" to serve the poorest of the poor. The order was started in 1981 by Father Richard Ho Lung and has now grown to over 500 brothers around the world.

          They have free missions around the globe. Its main home is in Kingston, Jamaica, where they maintain six mission homes.  The Brothers also serve the Lord with their acts of mercy in Jamaica (Kingston), India (Andhra Pradesh & Orissa), the Philippines (Naga City & Cebu), Haiti (Cap-Haitien), Uganda (Kampala), Kenya (Nairobi) and the United States (Monroe, NC).  A new mission in Indonesia is currently being established. To know more about The Missionaries of the Poor, click here.

          With the members of Cebu Bloggers Society, we offered some donations to the Missionaries of the Poor. We were able to meet and greet our beneficiaries. They were mostly children that needs some special care. Some were the elderly that seeks a family. Its a good thing that we were able to see the different side of the world, the world of the needy ones.

          With our Christmas gifts to the Missionaries of the Poor, we were able to make many happy. The smiles and laughter that has been shown to us was no match. It was indeed a great experience having conversations with our beneficiaries. I was able to appreciate what I have in life. We certainly want to be back next year to give more what they need. How about you? How do you give love on Christmas season?

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