
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Why Not Sun or Smart? Why Globe then?

      In almost 10 years of my mobile phone experience, I have tried different network providers. Before the network providers become many and competitive, Globe and Smart already exist. They are considered as the giant companies when in terms of telecommunication. They have served the people with their social needs. We cannot deny the fact that these giant companies have affected our lives in many ways.

      Between the 2 giant companies in telecommunication, I personally choose Globe. In all the network provider that I have experienced, it is only with Globe that I felt the fast and real customer service. I can really say that they do valued there costumers whether big or small. Aside from their customer services, I do like their perseverance in developing or shall I say in upgrading their services. One of these is there strong pick-up of signal. In all the places that I've visited in the Philippines, I never had the problem with my signal unlike Sun Cellular. In terms of my load, Globe Telecom, totally gives me an accurate balance, unlike Smart, they make some load deductions without my knowledge. Those were just my opinion. 

     Although Globe Telecom don't achieve the majority number of the subscribers in the country, I still do trust their services. They already have proven their worth to me and to all the loyal Globe subscribers. It started with a simple service then grow to a big commitment to serve the people. That is what I know about Globe.
As the years go by, I will continue to appreciate its services and comment on its dealings.

     At the end of the day, we all have the power to choose on which network provider we will trust. We now have Red Mobile, Smart, Talk n' Text, Sun Cellular, Touch Mobile and Globe.  What matters most is that they are able to give us their needs as well as our wants. In my case, I have chosen Globe. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Keen Eye

              The above pictures amazed me so much. And I don't know why.

          As I was walking in our backyard, I noticed this particular leaf that looks strange. I approached it and suddenly I realized that there was something on it. At first, I was really afraid to go near to it, thinking that it might be a harmful insect but then it was a larva. If you won't take a close look on it, you won't be able to know that the leaf has a larva on its top since the larva just camouflage with the leaf's color. 

          It's been a long time that I've been amazed with what I've seen in our backyard. Most of the time, I don't see anything interesting in our backyard. I see them just like the other day and the other month, same  plants and position. But the time that I've come across with this larva, I got more fascinated in checking our backyard everyday, hoping to see more interesting object. I just love how this simple insect awakens my nature-loving heart. 

          This thing simply defines the idea that you cannot see everything with just one glimpse. With an active sight as well as an active mind, we will never run out of things to discover. It might be small enough to be quickly noticed or so big enough to be ignored. It is just a matter of being aware on our environment.

          Who would have thought that a small insect like a larva can get my attention at all.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Street Crimes: So Alarming

          As I was waiting for a jeepney at the front of a popular mall here in Cebu, I witnessed a street crime. A lady was snatched with her necklace. The suspect run smoothly without someone going after him. He was able to escape from his crime and leaving the poor lady in great dismay. The people around us was very curious on what happened to the lady and totally forget about the suspect. After few seconds, the jeepney arrive and I was able to ride on it. While I'm in the jeepney, I was able to reflect on what kind of society do we have, on how secured are we in the streets. I suddenly remember that what happened a while ago was the only street crime that I have witnessed. It really makes me so alarming that the street crimes are getting frequent everyday.

          Another street crime that I've witness had happened while I was inside the jeepney. My co-passenger, whom is a young woman, was looking outside with the jeepney's window wide open. When the jeepney got slowed because of the traffic, a dirty looking young man punched my co-passenger in her cheek without any reason at all. The young man then quickly run away that he was no longer visible to us.After that incident, the poor young woman had nothing to do but cry on to herself because of the pain that resulted to that punch in her cheek.

          After reflecting those incident, I cannot stop thinking on how does the law enforcement agency can solve this kind of problems. In the other side, maybe we humans have to cleanse or environment as well as the  people living in it. If only this kind of incident are properly reported to the authorities and the authorities, as well, will do their part in taking action to this, then maybe we can resolve this street crimes. The problem in our society is that we ignored those small things without thinking that those small things will eventually become big and uneasy to handle.

           Hopefully those incidents will be an eye opener to us.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dog Lover: I Am

                Not all of us appreciate an animal. I’m not one of them. I love dogs. They have been part of my life. They keep me accompanied when my parents are away. Because of them, I don’t feel alone. Because of them, I have what we call “brothers”. And because of them, I become a dog lover.
                Before the existence of our dogs, I was always alone at home for my parents have to supply our business. I am an only child. I never knew what it feels like to have a brother or a sister but I learned to appreciate friends for they were the one that stands us my brothers and sisters. One of my greatest friends is my pets, Pawee and Kuji. Both of them are males or male dogs. They were raised and nurtured in our house. They are loved and will always be loved. They always make me happy and I’m trying my best to make them happy too.
                At first, I was very reluctant in having a pet at home and it’s not only me but also my mom, but thanks to my dad that we were convinced to have them for my dad really loves dogs since his childhood. I can still recall when my father told my about his memorable moments with dogs. While our dogs were still puppies, they always make a mess in the house. They make the floor dirty especially when I mop the floor, they run though it even though it is still wet thus leaving the wet floor with their footprints. They bite some furnitures specifically our salas.  They leave their bowels everywhere and later on, we can just smell something which indicates their wastes. Every time I went home, they easily get excited and jumped over me making my uniform dirty. They bark so loud that we can’t even hear the television. But those were just the beginnings. Later on, they were disciplined enough to understand us and to have a proper behavior. They knew when to play with us and when to behave. In our side also, we were able to know their needs and wants.
                As months passed, they are becoming part of our life. I have totally accepted them not only as my pets but as my brothers. I can still remember the time when one of them was sick. I was so worried that I want to check on them every minute. Even if I’m into something, I still can’t stop thinking about them. It makes me sad to think that they are suffering from such illness.  With that, it only proves that they have an impact in my life.
                Some of the best traits that I can’t forget about them are when I get out of our house and went to school, they look so sad and do a crying voice. Every time I eat my meal in the table, they patiently wait for me to give them some food. When they hear the cracking sound of our gate, they quickly rushed through the gate and see who is coming in. When I feed them with their food, they graciously waggle their tails. During Christmas and New Year, they usually hide underneath my parent’s bed to escape the loud popping sound of firecrackers. When they are newly bathed, they stay in our backyard to dry their fur under the heat of the sun. When they fell asleep during afternoon, I love their different sleeping positions. It is just so weird to look at. When they hear the ‘meow’ sounds of a cat, they rushed to where the sound is and find for the cat. It’s just so funny to think that even in their natural moves they make me happy. Those are my dogs and I love them for who they are.
                It is just so sad to think that some of us don’t even care for them. Others want them to be eaten and some wants them to be abandoned and ignored as if they do not exist. I can even hear or watch if from the televisions that dogs are being killed using a gas chamber. Those are just so anti-animals.  Do they not know the importance of dogs in our household and do they not even know that having a dog in our house adds a 2 years lifespan on us. Dogs are considered as the man’s bestfriend and so we humans should also be the bestfriend for them, but I cannot please everybody for we have different views in life.  
                One thing is for sure, being a dog lover will never be taken away from me. Many years may pass and many dogs will come and go, but this trait will remain in me. I don’t how it started and I don’t want this to have an end.  Because of them, I’ve learned to love and appreciate some animals too like cats, lizards and even some insets.
                How I wish my dogs can read this, so that they will know how important they are in my life.
                        How about you? Are you a dog lover too?
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